Have something important to say about your business? Maybe you want to let people know about that new product you are launching. You know – that product of yours that will soon be hitting the shelves. Know that timing is everything when you plan to market and promote anything related to your business.
Timing is everything
With the right timing, you can attract new customers. If your timing is off, you run the risk of being an annoyance. Be that helpful solution by putting your product in front of a prospect when they are ready to buy. If you plan, organize, and set up a schedule, you put yourself in a position to compete with confidence.
If you are not quite there, let’s examine a marketing campaign that reached customers at the right time.
Planning and execution of advertising
It’s fall.
Many commercials aired on television have already featured back-to-school promotions. To do this effectively, brands started months ago with the creation of their video, print, and online advertising. All the work that went into creatively shooting the “kicks, jeans, and hoodies” Kmart commercial was probably done when you were packing your sunscreen, towel, and swimsuit for the pool.
Target Back-To-School 2014: HIDE AND SEEK from Victoria Macey on Vimeo.
Brands have planned (with great detail) what they would like to feature in ads. They have also figured out when to feature ads along with their frequency. Starting now (mid-September) to announce back-to-school savings may result in wasted time when you could be focusing on the future. Perhaps you could think of other important dates like Thanksgiving, New Year’s, or even Earth Day. Holiday marketing plans can be quite profitable.

Announcing the flavors of fall
An example of good timing is Dunkin’ Donuts’ release about their new Pumpkin Crème Brulee Coffee and Lattes for its fall lineup. This announcement which also includes delicious donuts and muffins was made public in late August. Dunkin’ Donuts plants their marketing in the minds of consumers well before the official day of autumn.
If you’re like me, announcement of a new product I like, builds excitement. Other consumers feel that way, too.
Want to build feelings of excitement in your customers?
Plan your messages ahead of time. Don’t wait to the last minute to announce your grand opening, new clothing line, or that new exotic coffee flavor at your cafe. Give your customers something to look forward to.
You can create a buzz early by writing a blog post, creating a press release, or posting your news on social media. If you have an email newsletter, don’t forget to let subscribers know about your future offerings. As the time grows near, slip in a gentle reminder.
Consumers may have good memories, but you must remember that they get bombarded with advertisements of other products daily.
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