Social media has claimed its spot in culture and modern everyday living. Similar to that intelligent, frenetic, but likeable character in your favorite streamed show, social has won people over. Consumers and now businesses, see social media as an important vehicle for connecting with others.
Is Status Quo Thinking Killing Innovation in Your Business?
Somewhere on the other side of the world, or perhaps even in your own city, a business like yours is pushing through toward business innovation. In the past, this business favored rigid ideas. This business has relied on processes and practices that had a predictable outcome. However, now in the present-day, something is quite different about this company’s strategies. What makes this business stand out in a sea of others that offer similar products and services to their customers? It was a revelation that hit the business’ leaders like a ton of bricks. Status quo thinking was killing innovation in their business. Another revelation—their strategies and tactics are no longer effective for a fast-moving market in which buyers have significant influence.